Mathletics was designed to deliver personalized learning to all students

Student data
Find the results and data you need to make informed choices about student progression. Mathletics tracks students performance and provides details on student strengths, struggles, and where they’ve seen achievement.
Individual task assessment
From the Assign Task dashboard, you can easily set work for your students by class, group, or individual, allowing you to craft learning journeys that ensure student development.

Autonomous learning
Mathletics gives students the chance to pursue their own learning journey. Through adventures like ‘Multiverse’ and ‘Rainforest Math’, students can choose their own learning paths, challenging themselves and discovering new knowledge.
Mathletics was designed to deliver personalized learning to all students

Student data
Find the results and data you need to make informed choices about student progression. Mathletics tracks students performance and provides details on student strengths, struggles, and where they’ve seen achievement.

Individual task assessment
From the Assign Task dashboard, you can easily set work for your students by class, group, or individual, allowing you to craft learning journeys that ensure student development.

Autonomous learning
Mathletics gives students the chance to pursue their own learning journey. Through adventures like ‘Multiverse’ and ‘Rainforest Math’, students can choose their own learning paths, challenging themselves and discovering new knowledge.
Mathletics delivers simple differentiated learning to classrooms around the world

Simplified student grouping
Group students by ability in a few clicks and assign them the tasks, activities and challenges that lead to meaningful mathematical development.

Data-driven reporting
Mathletics reports can be set to be received on a weekly basis, giving you a summary of class activities, which students performed well, and who might need an extra hand.

Guided self-learning
Activities are supported with tips and guides, helping them discover the joy of autonomous learning, and ensuring they keep their motivation momentum.
Mathletics was designed to help educators reach every one of their students
Mathletics was created by passionate teachers who understand that no two students are the same. Packed with features that help you craft learning journeys for your students, Mathletics makes personalized mathematics simple.
Delivering personalized learning
Student grouping by ability and needs
Mathletics allows you to group your class by ability level and need, assign and re-assign tasks for practice and fluency, and generates reports that can show their progress.
Simple differentiation
Ensure students are progressing
Using minimum level setting, extrinsic and intrinsic motivators, and a host of resources, Mathletics challenges, engages and motivates students to keep developing their mathematics knowledge.
Maintain learning momentum
Helping students help themselves
Mathletics lets students take the lead, providing encouragement and opportunity for students to discover the program on their own, choosing their own learning paths and taking learning into their own hands.
Student-led learning
Get 30 Days of Free Access To Mathletics For Your School
Used by 200,000+ teachers, loved by 3,000,000+ students, Mathletics is the online maths program that has captivated students with the love of learning for over 15 years – and it’s yours to try for free for two weeks.
Save teachers time – with assisted marking, hundreds of maths resources and lessons, Mathletics does some of the heavy-lifting so you can focus on your students.
Provide detailed reporting – track student progress on a class and individual level to help create lesson plans and learning paths.
Captivate students – Mathletics uses gamified learning to engage and challenge students to achieve their best while having fun.