3 05, 2023

The Secret behind Winchester British International School’s Strong Maths Engagement

By |2023-07-03T04:10:24+00:00May 3rd, 2023|Categories: Educators, feature|Tags: |

When Winchester British International School took part in World Maths Day 2022, teachers were in for a surprise. The response and results exceeded their expectations. “It was marvellous... it was really competitive between students and teachers from the same year group,” said Sara [...]

1 02, 2023

How Ark Primary Schools Achieved an Improvement of 15% and Boosted Engagement with Mathletics

By |2023-04-05T07:49:48+00:00February 1st, 2023|Categories: Educators, feature, News|

Located in the United Kingdom, Ark is a Multi-Academy Trust with a network of 39 schools, serving more than 25,000 students. Like many educational institutions, Ark had invested heavily in supplying a one-to-one device for every student from Year 3 and above, to [...]